Johannes Gebauer wrote:
On 26.04.2007 Randolph Peters wrote:
Should we expect another upgrade to Finale 2007 before Finale 2008 comes at us?



While I agree with Johannes on this answer, I would phrase it differently:

*Should* we expect another upgrade? Yes, because as end-users who have paid the price the company has asked, we have a right to receive a product which works as advertised. And because a software company which really cared about its product would be constantly striving to eliminate bugs.

*Will we get* another upgrade? No, because MakeMusic doesn't seem to be that sort of company and doesn't appear (as a company -- I remain convinced the development team would dearly love to be given free reign to fix the long-standing bugs) to care if one of their flagship products is bug-filled. They're happy to have a bug-riddled program on the market and proud to market it as a great product. They would rather save any possible bug fixes after the first flurry of update patches (which I'm convinced are only released to quiet the most vocal complaints, not because they really want to fix anything) for the next annual "upgrade" (is it really an upgrade when they fix bugs?) where they can charge money.

To get to another reply which brought up yet again the notion of Finale being subscription-ware -- I think the big difference is that with what I would imagine real subscription-ware to be, the current version stops working at some fixed date so the user absolutely has to pay the subscription fee to keep using the program at all. With Finale, any of us are free to jump off the "pay-for-features-you-probably-won't-use-along-with-a-couple-of-bug-fixes" annual upgrade merry-go-round and to continue to use our most recently purchased version (and any/all previous versions) for as long as we wish to. That's the big difference.

Nobody is forcing any of us to upgrade at all. Well, nobody except fellow users with whom we might have to share files, if they have upgraded and we haven't. But with the continued improvement in MusicXML and the Dolet plug-ins, that is becoming less and less important.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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