> On May 20, 2007, at 9:12 AM, Dan Tillberg wrote:
>> Hi,
>> if I for instance have erroneously started a phrase on a beat 4 in a
>> measure and want to move let's say three or four bars just on
>> quarter -
>> what is the most simple way to do this?
>> The question came up since I discovered that three out of four trumpet
>> parts in a big band score was discovered to hae a phrase that had
>> moved
>> one quarter back (I guess that I must have done this by mistake but I
>> don't have the slightest clue when that happend and even less
>> how...) so
>> now the phrase started on beat 4 instead of 1.
>> I guess the answer to this would also answer how to enter e. g. a
>> quarter
>> rest in a full 4/4 bar and let a selection to the right shift one
>> quarter
>> (all I can find in the documentation about horizontal edits seem to
>> treat
>> how to add or remove full measures).
>> Using Finale 2007.
> The simplest way would be to use Mass Edit and pick it up and drag it
> carefully over a beat.
> Have control-Z (command Z on Mac) ready for the inevitable error the
> first time.
> You should specify Mac or PC, while the program is very close on both
> platforms, it is not identical.
> Christopher

Hi. Yep it was as simple as that. Is there somewhere were I can select
1) "from" side: if "hole" should be filled with rests or if earlier entry
2) "to" side: whether dragged portion should overwrite any earlier entires
or not

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