Les says:

And in some cases - the contempt is replaced with respect and curiosity for more of the same. Ah, education....sometimes it actually pays off.

As a grad student (1970) I was once invited to give the final lecture in the 2-semester undergraduate music history survey. One sudent was so enthralled by the snippet of Stockhausen's _Hymnen_ that I played that he went right out and bought the expensive, 2-LP set of the whole thing. On the other hand another student--a trumpeter--was so enraged at Partch's _Barstow_ that he transferred to Eastman--to this day I can't figure out why; maybe it was the F word. Generally, students who spoke to me afterwards said they were "fascinated," or thanked me for explaining a repertoire they hadn't previously understood.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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