Hmmmm .... in the school at which I taught, playing the clarinet was minimally acceptable, singing in the choir was (if male) automatically classified as an all gay activity, and playing any sport was an instant ticket to the adulation of 90%of your peers. Unfortunately, I was the choral director.


On May 26, 2007, at 10:35 AM, Christopher Smith wrote:

On 26-May-07, at 1:04 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

On 26 May 2007 at 12:41, Andrew Stiller wrote:

I cannot, for example, imagine any
American boy nowadays being denounced as a "fairy" because he played
the clarinet.

You must live in an entirely different world than *I* live in!

Not me!

In my high school, the best male musicians in the band were the cool ones with the cute girlfriends, while the guys on the perpetually-losing basketball team were the dummies with girlfriends who didn't look as if they washed often enough. Guess which one I chose to go to after school? 8-)

(not that it helped my girlfriend situation at all, but I had the ILLUSION that the band would help my success with the ladies, which was the point that Andrew was making, I think.)


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Dean M. Estabrook

Of all hoaxes, the one which is my most vexing bĂȘte noire on a quotidian basis, is the cereal box top which informs simply, "Lift Tab to Open." Then, "To Close, Insert Tab Here ." Yeah, right! In attempting to accomplish the first direction, not only the tab but also the slit intended to accept the aforementioned protuberance have both been irreparably disfigured and rendered dysfunctional. This debacle is then amplified by the misbehavior of the recalcitrant inner bag, which can not be unsealed sans mangling it, and hence, will not disperse its contents without exiting the box itself. All I wanted was a bowl of cereal.

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