At 6:01 PM -0700 5/26/07, Mariposa Symphony Orchestra wrote:
John --
I'll admit, a slight exaggeration, John, but I'm not talking the Met. Read what I said: "every last small town had its Opera House." And, despite your information offered in response to my e-mail, even those somewhat larger, including your very own hometown of Seattle - dating back to the 1870's!

Your knowledge of specific houses in specific towns far surpasses my own, and I bow to your thesis (with which I really do agree!). One small item. My home town was not Seattle, a major, thriving commercial, trading, and yes, arts center, but Everett, 30 miles north at a time when the entire length of highway 99 had not yet been urbanized, and a small town of about 15,000. Lots of music, much of it in and put on by the schools (in which my father was very active), or by the Ladies Musical Club (in which my mom was very active), but no auditorium designed for anything but movies until the 1930s. We did go to Seattle regularly to see touring artists, and had our own Civic Music Series after our WPA auditorium was built. But note: Auditorium, never referred to as Opera House.


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A 24061-0240
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