Seems like I'd start by adding a blank staff under each staff and exploding each staff onto two. Then you might be able to copy parts around to playable locations - you might want to use "scratch" staves, (temporary staves just for copying) also.

Raymond Horton

Leigh Daniels wrote:
Hello All,

I've received a Finale 2007 file of a score for string quintet written
by a composer who didn't understand the double-stop limitations of
string players. When he found out that what he wrote wouldn't work, he
asked me if I could "fix" it. (Don't ask! At least it's work)

Consequently I have five staves with five 5/4 measures of minor second
16th notes that are unplayable as written. I need to re-write them so
the players can play them and the composer can still have his sound. I'm
thinking I need to reassign notes so that each instrument has between a
minor third and a minor seventh for each 16th.
I don't want to sit down and do it manually if I can get Finale to help
me so I'd appreciate any thoughts on how to handle something like this
using FinMac2007 tools. I'm afraid it's going to be a manual job, though.



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