Johannes Gebauer wrote:
On 20.06.2007 Bob Florence wrote:
Do you all know the  term  "underscore" as used on a computer keyboard.
I do. However, a friend told me he always had trouble using this one.
It's shift dash_. I want to use this in my e mail address.

A long time ago I had a compuserve address, which began J_Gebauer.

It was by far the worst email address I ever had, because it is almost impossible to explain it to a person over the phone, who isn't a computer expert. "Underscore, what is that?", "What do you mean a line, a dash?"

My advice, don't do it. Use a dot instead, much easier.


To compound problems, when the address is underlined, as it often is in e-mail messages, there's no way to know that there's an underscore there, so many frustrations arise.

I agree with Johannes -- don't use it.  Use dots or hyphens.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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