On Jul 5, 2007, at 10:14 AM, Christopher Smith wrote:

2. I would like to place beamed grace notes that precede downbeats into the previous bar. Could this be done globally for given sections of the piece?

If there are other notes in the previous measure, then this is easy, but I don't think you would be asking in that case.

I think you've misunderstood. It seems to me that he's not asking how to make such grace notes in the first place, but how to *move* them from the beginning of one bar to the end of the preceding bar. In my experience, the only way to do this is to erase the grace notes and re-enter them. If someone knows of a plug-in that will do this globally or regionally, I'd really, really like to know about it, especially inasmuch as certain Finale operations cause grace notes entered at the end of a bar to move into the following bar, from wh. they cannot be retrieved save by erasure and reentry.

As for slashes on beamed graces, I find a smart-shape line very much the way to go, as it will be very stable and adjust its length and angle to match your layout.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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