At 06:08 PM 7/8/2007, Bernard Nussbaumer wrote:
>2007/7/8, Aaron Sherber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>What Windows color scheme are you running? And is the color of
>> selected measures different for you than it was in Fin2007?
>I'm on XP.

Yes, but I asked what color scheme you're using. And is it an XP style, or a Classic style? I think this is significant, because they handle system colors differently.

>The measures selected in Fin2008 are darker than in Fin2007, but
>there's another difference: in the selected area, "everything" (I mean:
>notes, staff lines) used to become white. Now, it stays black.

I am using a Classic style on XP, derived from the old Maple theme. There is absolutely no difference on my system between highlighted measures in Fin2007 and Fin2008. The highlight color is the same, and the notes and staff lines are black in both versions.

Just to test, I changed my system to the default XP scheme. You're right that the notes and staff lines in highlighted measures are white in Fin2007 and black in Fin2008 -- although the blue highlight color is exactly the same in both versions. It just looks lighter in 2007 because of the white items. But I did screen grabs and compared the actual color values, and they're the same. (Which I expected -- Finale is just using a default system highlight color.)

The white vs. black thing is odd. You might want to contact Makemusic and complain -- though I'm pretty sure they'll say it was a design choice rather than a bug.


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