On 17 Jul 2007 at 14:20, Andrew Stiller wrote:

> On Jul 16, 2007, at 6:59 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:
> > You are editing an HTML file with a link to a picture and you're
> > saying that when you view the results in Claris Homepage, the
> > picture is not there.
> Oh, I did that first thing. The html is there, and proper, but in edit
>  mode the  picture is shown as missing. I even tried posting the file
> (with "picture" included) to the internet, but the web also thinks the
> picture is missing.

OK -- that helps. If you give me the URL to it, I'll gladly look at 

(and I hope you weren't offended by the suggestion that you hadn't 
done that and below, that you don't understand HTML -- I learned a 
long time ago that in troubleshooting you have to eliminate the 
obvious, because it's sometimes overlooked. I call it the "is it 
plugged in?" syndrome, since I've sometimes wasted hours trying to 
solve a problem when it turned out that something just wasn't plugged 

> > I would suggest that you find a more up-to-date
> > HTML editor, one that produces CSS-based layouts instead of the
> > 1996- era HTML being put out by your present editor.
> I'll do that when I have to, i.e., when I get  my next computer wh.
> will not support System 9. Meanwhile, if the stuff shows up online the
> way I want it, I don't care that the html is antique.

You should run it through the W3C validator and see what it tells 
you. You'll get a lot of reports of deprecated elements (font, etc.), 
though I'm not certain if anything will fail to validate.

But we're moving away from the age in which everyone is browsing the 
web with full-fledged browsers on PCs, and towards an era where all 
kinds of devices will want to get information from and display data 
from our web pages. 

Also, CSS-based web pages are much easier to maintain. It's also 
possible to do a lot of things that simply can't be done at all with 
1996-era HTML.

> > And I would also suggest that you should not depend on a WYSIWYG
> > HTML editor, as if you don't understand the HTML, you're not going
> > to be able to troubleshoot just this kind of problem.
> But I *do* understand html--at least the  basics of it. I often mess
> around directly in html view when editing pages, precisely "to
> troubleshoot just this kind of problem."  It is precisely because this
> particular problem is intractable that I have contacted the list about
> it.
> And everyone is being very helpful, though we still don't have a
> solution.

I'll be glad to look at the actual HTML with picture and see if I can 
figure out what's wrong.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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