On Aug 7, 2007, at 11:47 AM, Will Denayer wrote:

There is another problem. When I use playback, the tempo sometimes freeses: I can go for 1 quarter note = 80 or 1 quarter note is 20, it does not make a difference. Choosing another value does not help, i.e. 1 half note = 80. I tried closing and opening again. I also saved the music to a new document. It still will playback using one tempo only. Might this be a bug?

It is most likely that you have an expression that has its Playback set to a certain value at the start of the piece. This expression will override whatever is set in the Playback window.

I have run into problems in the past when I have taken my Allegro expression and duplicated it in order to clone expressions with similar font and positioning, not realising that i was also duplicating its playback! Then I was wondering why every time the trumpets put in a cup mute the playback reverted to Q=120.


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