My latest Finale installation is 2005. Compared to my first Finale (v. 2), in which Simple was useless and Speedy was the only way to go, it is vastly improved. Compared to my Sibelius (any version) Fin 05's Simple is still a little clumsy, but then Simple entry really is the Sibelius way to work.

I got to talk with "the Toms" recently at a convention and have been told that in Fin 08 the Simple tools have again been improved and that they have completely revamped the copy/paste routines which are the other part of the "Simple package". If this is true, then Finale's work flow will become much like that of Sibelius; "enter data once, copy, paste and edit". It is very fast but a big change for people who have been using Speedy for years.

The problem is some of workers just don't think that way and will always find Simple clumsy. Others will just not want to learn new ways when the old ones work just fine, thanks.

If your really interested in learning to use Simple well, the best way is probably to give yourself a project (something in which you are not pressed for time or working for a client) and just make yourself do it with Simple, no Speedy. Kind of a bite the bullet sort of thing. When you finish, you'll probably know if the method is for you.

With so many of the most experienced Finale workers heavily invested in Speedy, I don't see how it can ever be taken out of Finale no matter how much MM might want to. Unless there is some wish for corporate suicide.

Richard Smith

In a message dated 8/9/07 9:31:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Did they then explain why MakeMusic seems to have abandoned Speedy
Entry, which I have found can be quite efficient and entirely
computer-keyboard-centered if desired, as their suggested method of
entry, in favor of Simple Entry which requires mousing?
Actually, they did. The keyboard shortcuts in Simple are now so
comprehensive, and the new Selection Tool so versatile, that mousing
is increasingly less necessary (if that makes any sense). They also
said that eventually they plan to make Simple Entry so easy and
powerful that they can phase out Speedy altogether.
Crap! I'm screwed! I find Simple so slow and counterintuitive that I can't deal with it at all! All the commands are different, and some that I need a lot aren't there!
Well, I feel the same. I've tried simple a few times with no real success. But I can't tell if that's a problem of the interface, or simply the fact that I have used Speedy since Finale v.1.

Greg Hamilton - a fine copyist/engraver in Vancouver, with whom I am regularly in touch, says that he recently took a few hours (or maybe days, I don't know) to teach himself Simple and now finds it quicker and prefers it. I plan to take a drive up to visit sometime next week to get a hands on lesson. For an old dog like me, it will take a slow and careful re-training to adapt to a new method, and the biggest obstacle (I think) will be rhythmic value first, pitch second (even though I believe rhythm takes precedence in my musical perceptions). All I can do is make a good attempt and report on the results. When I see Tom Johnson use Simple, it goes faster than I normally work - maybe faster than I think.



When you try it be on the lookout for a few things; Rests, Tom's demos usually don't include much in the way of rests and they can take an extra keystroke when values change. A quarter rest, eighth rest eighth note, and half rest can take up to seven keystrokes in SimpleNote instead of four in Speed. Unintentionally entered notes. (Sometimes the manuscript, or the mail, can hit the keys and enter notes when I'm not looking at the screen or aware of where the entry caret is located. This may be more of a copyist concern but occasionally I have to stop to check a note or chord in a manuscript and I like not having to exit note entry to do it. I do recommend learning the re-pitch feature, I use it from time to time. Simple Note can be very effective in certain situations so it is worth the effort to familiarize yourself with it but I'm still using Speedy for most of my work.
Tom J is just a well oiled machine!   ;-)

Vince Leonard

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