Another interesting problem.  WinFin06.  I'm beggining to work with a score in 
Page View, after entering the parts in Scroll.  I'm attempting to find the best 
size for the score on the page, working with % tool.  At 100% all is well, but 
the score is too small for the page.  When I enlarge to 125% the first dozen or 
so pages are fine, but the last 20 (original) pages of the score now show up in 
one measure pages (one mm. to a page) ballooning the score to over 250 pages!  
I've removed all optimizing, page locks, etc., but the problem persists.  When 
I reset the size to 100%, the pages return to the normal number.  Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

Bruce E. Clausen
Finale mailing list

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