Guy Hayden wrote:
I have found that trumpeters who do not play cornet will insist that there
is no difference between the two instruments.

I suspect that you would also find that those players use mouthpieces with the same cup, throat, and rim as their trumpet mouthpieces, the only difference being the smaller shank. And the single most important difference in tone quality and flexibility is the difference between a true cornet mouthpiece and a true trumpet mouthpiece.

Trumpet mouthpieces have also tended to adopt smaller inside dimensions over the years. I understand that Vincent Bach's own mouthpieces was the equivalent of the Bach 1C. I played a 3C for many years, which was quite large enough for me, while my companions usually went for the 10 1/2 C.


John R. Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A 24061-0240
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