On 23 Sep 2007 at 2:34, Kurt Gnos wrote:

> Really - how about MakeMusic and
> Sibelius sitting down and discussing their future. I mean, they share most
> of the professional (and many less professional, no qualification
> intended) users wanting to notate musical scores.

Well, companies usually don't work that way, unless one of them is 
the underdog and trying to steal the other's market. An example is 
Excel and Lotus 123:


The argument there is that the perfect conversion between Excel and 
123 and the 123 macro compatibility in Excel made it possible for 123 
users to try Excel without being locked into it -- they could always 
go back to 123 because their Excel files could be converted.

But that's a case of "underdog" Microsoft (remember, this was c. 1990 
and earlier, when MS was not the monolithic power it is today) 
wanting to steal the "top dog's" market.

In music notation, it seems to me that Sibelius has already 
accomplished the bulk of this, simply by making an easier-to-learn 
(but not necessarily easier-to-use) user interface. I don't see what 
they'd have to gain by engaging MakeMusic in discussions to make 
their files interoperable -- all the benefit seems to me to flow to 
the Finale side of things.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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