On Oct 10, 2007, at 12:15 PM, Daniel Wolfr wrote:

Would it be possible now, from the list membership, to get a more
accurate sense of the number of us who are (a) a long-term, professional users of Finale, (b) have serious concerns about bug fixes, and (c) iare
either skipping an '08 upgrade or switching to a competing product
during this cycle?

I've been a Finale user since v1.0. Yes. 1.0. I started using Finale on my first Mac SE/30 in late 1989. I remember when it took something obscene like 10-12 nested dialog boxes just to move an articulation!! But it wasn't until I finally got 2.0.1 that I started being able to use Finale professionally and more productively. That was in mid 1990. I've been using it for my own work, sessions, and clients professionally ever since.

I have a HUGE body of Finale work that I've amassed over the years. So unfortunately, I can't abandon Finale completely. It's just not feasible. But I have ordered the Sibelius competitive upgrade out of frustration with Finale's 'annual subscription' model and the multitude of bugs. I'm using FinMac 2007 now, almost exclusively, due mainly to the linked parts. But the shortcomings there are frustrating. Yet I've managed to become proficient with it and I like not having to edit score and individual parts over and over and over... But I've told MM I would not be upgrading until there was significant progress on bug fixes, and enhancement of existing tools, not new features. I mean, who really gives a rat's ass about colored noteheads?!?!

I average about 20-30 hours a week minimum, working in Finale professionally. I know the program very well, yet I'm constantly learning something new. The latest was 1/4 tone key signatures and the associated notation, all due to a new client project.

I'd really like to see Make Music succeed, given my history with them. Alas, I'm not all that optimistic. Hopefully I'll be wrong on that sentiment. We'll see.

J D  Thomas

Finale mailing list

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