Daniel Wolf wrote:
Would it be possible now, from the list membership, to get a more accurate sense of the number of us who are (a) a long-term, professional users of Finale

User since version 1.0

Among other things, I've written 3 operas in Finale and use pretty much every feature except guitar tabs and microphone input. (Okay, I also have abandoned Mirrors long ago, if you want to get picky.)

I must have about 200 Quickey macros memorized for use in Finale. On most days, I'm using Finale for about 8 to 16 hours.

When serious bugs don't get fixed in updates or new versions, it feels like a personal injury.

(b) have serious concerns about bug fixes

I have often written to Finale tech support and others in the company with bug reports. I have occasionally gotten a nice letter in return, but in the last 4 years NOT ONE of my concerns have been dealt with.

(c) are either skipping an '08 upgrade or switching to a competing product during this cycle?

Even though I am looking at Sibelius 5, I would prefer to stay in Finale, if only for the work I've already done in it.

I am not buying Finale 2008 because my biggest problems with 2007 were not fixed. Heck, if only the flipping accidental bug was fixed, I'd buy Finale 2008! See MM? It doesn't take much to keep us happy!

-Randolph Peters
Finale mailing list

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