David W. Fenton wrote:
On 24 Oct 2007 at 18:00, dhbailey wrote:

Personally I think it costs the public a *lot* to have such lengthy copyright terms, just not in economic terms.

I was not by any means thinking of direct monetary costs. Unfortunately, that's the only thing certain kinds of politicians seem to understand.

There seems to be no concept among our public servants of the idea of investing in the future, whether monetarily or not.

That's true -- the future isn't going to make the current politician last any longer in office, won't vote in any election he/she may be running in, and certainly won't make any campaign contributions which they can make use of to lead a life of luxury.

What ever happened to the notion of politicians serving in government because it's the right thing to do, as opposed to serving as a means to greater wealth? And whatever happened to the notion that public servants are supposed to serve the public and not tiny segments of the public, those who make the greatest campaign contributions or who pay to hold spurious conferences at foreign travel hotspots?

David H. Bailey
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