At 01:10 PM 12/13/2007, Christopher Smith wrote:
>as far as I can tell. Backspace on the Mac will delete an item in
>Finale most of the time, whereas Clear will just clear manual

I assume that by "item" you mean an expression or smartshape or some such? On Win, Delete deletes the item and Backspace clears positioning.

>When measures are selected, Clear will empty them while
>Backspace cuts them. What is the equivalent function in Windows?

The other way around this time: Backspace empties them and Delete removes them.

>Slightly TAN; I really dislike the new behaviour of the Clear key.
>For Staff Styles, Clear would just delete the style, now it cuts the

This, of course, is one of the side-effects of shortcuts that work across different tools. The problem was particularly bad because the original 2008 docs still said you could select measures in the Staff tool and press Backspace to clear staff styles, which was incorrect.

>Right-click (or control-click on Mac) clears the ENTIRE
>style, not just the selected passage, which is huge drag.

Not in FinWin2008a (don't know about 2008). If I select measures in the Selection or Staff tools and right-click and choose Clear Staff Styles, only the selected measures have their styles cleared.

>In the Selection Tool Clear clears EVERYTHING, whereas before it
>would leave the Measure Expressions intact.

I hadn't noticed this new behavior. Technically, for expressions assigned to more than one staff, it looks like it actually accomplishes this by creating a new staff list which does not include the staves you selected and applying that staff list. That is, if you have a rehearsal number assigned to all staves, and you select the measure in the oboe staff and hit Clear, Finale creates a new staff list which includes all staves except oboe and assigns the expression to that list. Very strange. It's unfortunate that there's no way to set a default for this filter, so that you could set things to never clear measure expressions.


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