On Jan 29, 2008, at 8:59 PM, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

You can do some nice stuff in Finale. I had an emergency engraving job for a fellow composer -- 22 pages to do in about a week, including parts. The whole deal took 87 hours. Long week.

Here are two pages ... all the notation conventions (including the detached noteheads for harmonics) as well as the placement and number of measures had to match his ink score:


(The garbly ossia at the bottom are embedded EPS, which don't export in full resolution to TIFF within Finale.)

Wow. I have to admit, if I were faced with having to prepare a score like that, I might be shaving MY head, too (to keep from tearing my hair out!) I do one of my a capella choir arrangements or a relatively ordinary orchestra arrangement and run into all kinds of things that cause headaches - I can't imagine dealing with all the weird Finale behaviours that a score of this intricacy must uncover.

Very well done, and FAST!


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