If you're on a Mac and intend, or are already on Leopard, try Backup. I haven't used it but I did look it over at one point. Easy to setup and beyond that, I"m sure it's fine. If you want to spend $$ $, go with Retrospect. They've been on the Mac for a long time, the software is bullet-proof, and very thorough to automate. I've been using it for more about 12 years. My system backs up every morning at 12:30 am without fail. I have mine setup to back up to a Firewire drive and a tape drive. I'm a bit obsessive about it, but it has saved my butt a couple of times, and I sleep really well.

J D  Thomas

On Feb 3, 2008, at 7:02 AM, shirling & neueweise wrote:

after doing backups manually for years -- and for that reason not doing them nearly often enough -- i am going to automate this. any suggestions? looking for something cheap to free if possible.

i need something that allows as much of the following as possible:
- timed as well as manual backups
- different timings for different BUs
- same files/folders backed up simultaneously to two or more places
- reminder / alarm if BU not done within X days of scheduled BU
- overwrites only necessary files


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