On Feb 7, 2008, at 6:48 AM, dhbailey wrote:

Christopher Smith wrote:
FinMac 2008a
I seem to remember in previous versions, when I applied Rhythmic Notation to a measure, it changed what was in Layer 1 to stemmed slashes, and if I had notes in other layers it also DID NOT shift any Layer 1 rests up by six steps, but left them in the staff. In version 2008a, (and all other versions I have going back to 2005!) however, Rhythmic Notation staff style seems to MOVE the layer 1 rests up if I have anything in other layers. I don't remember Rhythmic Notation working this way! Did I really go back uncomplaining and shift EVERY Rhythmic Notation layer 1 rest back into the staff before? I am quite sure that I always had Layer 1 set to shift rests, etc, up by six steps, and that Rhythmic Notation was smart enough NOT to shift the rests, but apparently I am mistaken! Does this strike anyone else as stupid and useless? I notice that newer versions of FInale are now carrying extra versions of Slash Notation and Rhythmic Notation to allow items in other layers to show, but what is the use if the rests get moved? I am thinking of drum and piano parts in jazz charts.
I must be getting old. Gotta keep up the folates...

There is a setting in the Layer Options to leave the rests and not move them if there is anything in other layers. Perhaps you can adjust that before applying the staff style.

Yes, I know about that option and use it all the time for choral and piano parts, so I need it ON in most cases (because I have chorus parts in short score format AND drums in the same arrangement). Turning it off would cause more problems than it solves, but thanks for the input.


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