Every so often, when working on an older file that has been converted to 2008a and playing back passages (through Garritan JABB), the playback will get corrupted. Instruments get their transpositions messed up and some sound at incorrect (horribly wrong) pitches. When that happens, a number of things can correct it temporarily. Often just closing the file and re-opening it, so the instruments reload, will fix the problem for a time. But changing anything - editing entries, copying measures, etc., can set it off again. Quitting Finale and re-starting it can also cure the problem temporarily, but it will always come back. After a few of these incidents (working on one file), the preferences will get corrupted and the Finale will lock up on an attempt to re-open it.

OK, I have learned to live with this. Sometimes there's no way around trashing the preferences and rebuilding them. That takes about ten minutes. I've become faster at it out of unfortunate necessity, but yesterday I came across a behavior I had never seen. I realized that I had neglected to change something in the preferences, and the preference menu selection had disappeared; not grayed out, completely disappeared. The only way to get it back was by trashing the preferences and starting over again. (Restarting Finale or the computer had no effect.) This seems quite strange and troubling. Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas?


Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
Bellingham, WA 98225-5836
phone (360) 671-3402
fax (360) 676-6055

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