On Feb 10, 2008, at 9:08 AM, Lawrence David Eden wrote:

A friend of mine asked me to help:

Mac G5
MOTU 2  IN  2  OUT interface
MIDI keyboard
Finale 2K7

Finale can't find the MIDI. He gets a message that Finale is looking for the MIDI but that it can't be found. We see the MIDI icon when we go to MIDI SETUP...

When he tries to use Speedy, he gets nothing but rests.

Any ideas?

First things first. Are all the cables connected correctly, and do they all work? If the MOTU needs power, is it getting it? Does the MOTU show up in About This Mac? If not, it either need a new driver (check the manufacturer's website) or the cables are bad. You aren't using a hub, are you? Those generally mess up MIDI, so plug it directly into the computer's USB port.

From inside Finale, check the MIDI options. Sometimes for me turning the MIDI In device to Off then back again helps. Once in a while I just have to trash Finale prefs, but first go through the first paragraph. Make sure FInale has Use MIDI Keyboard checked in the Speedy Options menu.


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