dc wrote:
Lawrence David Eden écrit:
Happily, I am using an older version of Finale. I have no complaints as Finale has been my faithful servant for years. Can users of later versions of Finale say the same?

Well, after complaining loudly myself, I don't think (Win) 2008a is that bad. I waited for the "a" update to upgrade, and I'm not sorry I did. I certainly wouldn't revert to an older version (though I'm irked by some of the changes in the UI). Sibelius also has it's issues. The main difference, from what I see and read, is the way both companies deal with them.

What would be interesting and helpful, rather than ranting against one or the other, would be a list of things that can be done in one and can't be done in the other. There probably aren't that many, but still it would be nice to know. Because if you need any of these, the choice is much easier to make.

To start the list, here are two Sibelius features I miss in Finale:
- backwards compatibility (and xml export and import is a very bad substitute for this; there is too much loss and messing up; you can't use this to work on a regular basis with someone who has an older version).
- unicode support.

One feature missing in Sibelius which Finale has had for years: Independent time signatures so a person can easily enter a score with, for example, 6/8 in some staves and 2/4 in others. It's possible in Sibelius but requires a lot of workarounds to accomplish it. But those workarounds are explained in the manual, which is something I haven't seen a lot of in the Finale manuals (although admittedly I haven't looked at them a lot recently.)

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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