Here's a guess:

If you are using Garritan Instruments, they depend on HP-created continuous MIDI data to interpret dynamics. If you turn HP's continuous data off, HP cannot send the volume controller data, and any sustaining Garritan Instruments could be too soft to be heard.

At any rate, there is little point in using HP at all if you are not going to let it contribute its own continuous MIDI data.


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 29 Feb 2008, at 6:57 PM, Richard Huggins wrote:

OK, I fixed this myself by changing MIDI > Continuous Data from No HP Effect to HP Incorporate Data. Can someone tell me why this was necessary to get this one system to play back when its absence did not prevent the other systems from playing back?

In case it matters to the answer, the music in this one system was not created by me--it was part of a template provided to me, and I'm not certain how they did it, i.e. whether they used Copy (from the original document, an orchestration) and pasted it in, or whether they duplicated the orch file, stripped everything out but this, then added in the other blank systems I would need.

The systems that DID play back had notes in them created by me. It seems obvious there is a relationship in effect but I'd like to better understand it.


On Feb 29, 2008, at 9:49 AM, Richard Huggins wrote:

I have a doc where the top system (two staves of vocal parts) will not play when HP is on. I have tried Standard and Custom and have looked for any obvious reason why. If I turn HP off ("None") or if I use Spacebar-Click, they play fine.

I've tried changing MIDI channels, changing patches, etc. but still no playback.

I'm clearly overlooking something; what is it?



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