I saw Tom Carruth demo '09 on Tuesday. He said there were things they
still needed to fix with linked parts. Duh. I told him that linked
parts weren't useful for most composers and he countered with how
useful they were for those using Smart Music. Clearly, that's where
the main thrust of features/upgrades/fixes will be generated because
it is what is making money for them now. I can't argue with their
business model, but it is frustrating for the professional user.

Still, the new expression tool looks absolutely wonderful. Make one
global setting per category and everything you drag into the category
takes on those settings. Rehearsal numbers, tempo markings, whatever.
It looks like they're going to that model for several tools
(expressions, for example) and that someday (2011?) we may use only a
couple of different dialog boxes.

For those who prefer to use samples as their sounds, the new Aria
engine in place of the Kontakt 2 player should offer better stability
with Leopard and it will allow almost any sample to be used with
Finale. To me, all of the options sound too far from reality to be
useful, so I stick with the fast, generic softsyth. Because it is so
bad, it always makes me imagine the real sound.

I asked about Speedy Entry. Tom said that they will not do away with
it until it can be folded into Simple Entry with exactly the same
behavior as it currently has. The main difference for some of us
composers is that Simple works as Duration then Pitch and Speedy works
as Pitch then Duration. I think in Pitch then Duration, so the switch
to working in Simple has been impossible for me, even though there are
other great benefits.

In my book, the expression tool alone is worth the upgrade.

-Carolyn Bremer
Associate Chair, Cole Conservatory of Music
Area Director, Composition and Theory
California State University, Long Beach

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 9:52 AM, Randolph Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Patrick Sheehan queried:
>> Anyone see any features worth working with in '09?
> Even though I see important functions that don't seem to be addressed
> (fixing and improving linked parts, for example), this upgrade doesn't seem
> to have too much added fluff.  The improvements in the way we can work with
> expressions is one I've been dreaming about for years.
> Of course, we'll have to wait and see how well it actually works. It often
> takes a few versions to weed out the worst bugs.
> -Randolph Peters
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