On Jul 16, 2008, at 1:59 AM, dhbailey wrote:

Richard Yates wrote:

Manhasset stands are terrific.
Yes, but the feet are metal with sharp edges on the bottom. They will
scratch a floor (wood, vinyl, etc) very easily. I wrapped mine with moleskin
and it seems to work so far.
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There are after-market rubber foot covers that slip on to protect the floor. I don't know how much they cost.

There are also after-market Stand-Outs which slide over the stand from left and right edges and can be pulled out to extend the width of the music rack.

The Standouts are invented and made by a now retired musician here in Bellingham, and they work well when you need an expanse of desk space that can accommodate 4 open pages of music.


Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
Bellingham, WA 98225-5836
phone (360) 671-3402
fax (360) 676-6055

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