Barbara Touburg wrote:

Then I respectfully and urgently ask you do so, Robert! I can't imagine working WITTHOUT the staff lists! They are like style sheets to me!

Ha, ha.

This is one of those cases of "be careful what you ask for," because I am half tempted to try. Even though it would probably work, any file you saved could not be supported by me and would not be supported by MM. And because Finale's UI is expecting to find exactly 4 SLs, there might easily be errant behavior (even crashes) when you tried to use the category designer in Fin09.

It is a shame that MM allows its imaginaton to be so limited by its less-informed users and a few privileged publisher types. Especially when the limit is so needless.

Please elaborate to their support forum your style sheet usage. The MM reps over there said they want to understand any way that the new paradigm has impaired users' efficiency. I've said as much (too much) as I can to them. They need to hear from others.

But do share here what you tell them. Your style sheet comment intrigues me.

Robert Patterson
Finale mailing list

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