
I have had a heck of a time with Finale and pdf going back a long time (to the beginnings of pdf as a standard format). I am now using FinMac 2009 on an Intel machine. I have consistently found that the pdf files were -- and still are -- unreliable. Generally speaking, they might or might not work on someone else's computer, often missing clefs or maybe missing out whole fonts.

I assume this problem is with Apple, since the issue arises when using the "save as pdf" command in the print dialog box.

I should say that except for large orchestral scores, I always print to 9x12 size, onto 12x18 paper (double-sided) so as to make center- staple books. I know I can do this directly from Finale, but that has three problems:

1) the files aren't mailable (to publishers or performers) unless the people receiving the files have Notepad or the same version of finale that I use.

2) working from finale requires me either to keep old versions of finale around (even old OS9 machines) or to always update all of my files (hoping for no conversion mistakes).

3) Finale files sometimes don't stay the same between openings. Little things (maybe less now than in the past) jump around or disappear.

I decided long ago to make graphic files, so that things stay exactly the way I put them, and so that I don't need old versions of finale for printing.

Until recently, I've used PageMaker (OS 9), then InDesign as my solution. I would export an eps file for each page, then put them into an InDesign (or Pagemaker) file, use those programs' booklet makers to make a booklet, and finally, export the whole book as a pdf. When PM or ID makes a pdf, it always works, everywhere.

Now, however, I can't do this anymore. Ever since Leopard came out, for many users, InDesign simply won't work. The latest versions of each (10.5.4 with the latest update of InDesign has ID) crashes on startup. A Google search shows me that this is a problem not restricted to me, and has Adobe and Apple each claiming the fault is with the other guy.

I think I stumbled upon a solution, a much cheaper one. I still export eps files, but use Graphic Converter (nag-ware) to convert them to pdf. Then I make a single numerical-order 9x12 pdf using the freeware CombinePDFs. Then I make a 12x18 booklet using the freeware CocoaBooklet. Once created, my pdf booklet will print to any size paper I like (Adobe Reader has a good print dialog box). These pdfs, at least so far, seem rock-solid stable.

I would welcome any comments about this. The process, like any, gets faster after you get used to it. And I expect I could automate portions of it. But it is still a bit cumbersome -- and I find myself resenting Finale and Apple for making me do this. Is anyone else as bothered as I am about the pdf problem? Or does anyone have a more elegant solution?

Could Finale's "compile postscript listing" make this easier? I haven't used it since I got my large-format printer, because of the page-size limitation (it forced you to export at a 8.5x11 or 8.5x14 or A4 or B5 or Tabloid). But in FinMac09, there is a place in the "complie postscript" box where you can specify custom paper size (in some weird measurement unit, where -6522652.44444 by 5595136 equals 8.5x11).

So comments, please.

Thank you,

David Froom
Finale mailing list

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