I haven't followed this closely since I am on WinXP not Mac, but I was
curious about the issue. Here's a little test I did: 

-Exported a page from Finale as EPS (including fonts and TIFF preview)
-Imported and placed that graphic (reduced in size) onto the original page.
-Exported THAT page with the graphic as EPS.
-Imported THAT graphic (again reduced in size) onto the now modified page. 

The result was a Finale page with four layers of EPS graphics.

I exported that page as EPS and placed it on a blank page in Word2003. Last,
I printed the Word page to the Adobe PDF printer driver that was installed
by Acrobat Professional 8. 

The result was very impressive, I thought. The smallest, and most often
imported/exported section of the page is as clear as the rest. All curves
are smooth at maximum magnification (6400%). Check it out at: 


Richard Yates

Finale mailing list

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