Richard Yates wrote:
How is that any different from combining multiple saves, as the existing implode already does? I'm with Johannes: it seems obvious that if you can do it for staves, you can do it for layers. David W. Fenton

I seem to vaguely remember someone here soundly scolding me for assuming how
easy it would be to make modifications to Finale's features. That said, I
agree that it does seem that imploding layers could be implemented. In fact,
I assume that it is a mechanical data manipulation that Johannes or others
could design a plug-in to do. RY

Someone scolding others on this list for making assumptions about ease of programming to change Finale's functions or to add new things? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. I would never imagine such a thing from anyone on this list. ;-)

I don't think Johannes is a plug-in designer. And I believe I recall Robert Patterson remarking something about how the new plug-in developer's kit didn't have the same data access in it that previous versions had, so it might not even be possible to create a plug-in to do that. But that's just something from the dim corners of my memory which might best have been left there. :-)

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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