Richard Yates wrote:
How is that any different from combining multiple saves, as the existing implode already does? I'm with Johannes: it seems obvious that if you can do it for staves, you can do it for layers. David W. Fenton

I seem to vaguely remember someone here soundly scolding me for assuming how
easy it would be to make modifications to Finale's features. That said, I
agree that it does seem that imploding layers could be implemented. In fact,
I assume that it is a mechanical data manipulation that Johannes or others
could design a plug-in to do. RY

In fairness to David Fenton, though, he didn't say he thought it would be easy, just that it would be possible. Which may still be an unjustified assumption, but not quite the same thing as saying it would be easy.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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