I would like to be able to add fingerings using the articulation tool in
WinFin 2004, but can't figure out how to do it. I have read the manual, but
I can't figure it out.
Can anyone help please? I can't remember if I've ever done this before.
David McKay

2008/10/30 Robert Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The most interesting enhancement in the new Fin09a release was "staff
> assignment lists," especially as I had made a lot of noise about Staff Lists
> after Fin09 came out.
> MM has upped the number of true "staff lists" (now renamed Score Lists) to
> 8. I think this may just wave the red flag again, esp. since it proves they
> can set the number to any arbitrary number they choose. While 8 is now in
> the range of being enough for just about anyone, there was absolutely no
> reason for an artificial limit, and forcing those of who don't use more than
> a couple to have 8 is no small matter either. (The larger the fixed number,
> the more cumbersome it becomes for those who don't need them.) At least they
> can be named now.
> I think MM must have hoped to placate all the p.o.-ed users with these new
> "Staff Assignment Lists". While they aren't completely useless, I think they
> may be nearly so for many users. The biggest problem I have with them is
> that to use them you have to go through so many mouse clicks. If one could
> set up meta-tools that automatically used a certain list, it would be
> better, or set up meta-tools to apply a list at a key-stroke, or even just
> listed them as a sub-menu in the context menu. But no, so far as I can tell
> you always have to navigate the dialog box to use them.
> All they apparently are is a shortcut for mass assigning "this staff only"
> expressions to preset, discontinguous collections of staves. They list
> doesn't stick to the assignment. If you drag an expression on one staff or
> delete it, nothing happens to the expressions on the others. If you change
> the definition of the assignment list, expressions that have already been
> assigned are not affected. In looking under the covers, there appears to be
> absolutely nothing linking an assignment to the staff assignment list used
> to create it. The assignment list is (somewhat) a shortcut for assigning
> expressions, but then it exits the stage.
> Nevertheless, being able precisely to assign an expression to a
> predetermined set of staves is certainly not a step backwards (from Fin09),
> and it is especially nice that they are accessible from the context menu.
> You can apply a list en masse by multiselecting the handles. If there were a
> keyboard shortcut to apply them, I'd say it would be at least an in-the-park
> double. As it is, it is perhaps a line-drive to right for a single.
> Certainly not a home run. I'll be interested to hear what heavy SL-users
> like Barbara and Claudio think.
> RP
> --
> Robert Patterson
> http://RobertGPatterson.com <http://robertgpatterson.com/>
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