On 18 Nov 2008 at 23:32, Barbara Touburg wrote:

> David W. Fenton wrote:
> > SmartScore doesn't scan the PDFs directly (or, at least, the version 
> > I used doesn't), but requires TIFFs, so there'd really be no 
> > difference for SmartScore.
> > 
> > I don't know how PDFToMusic works, but it may be doing a TIFF 
> > conversion internally so it wouldn't make any difference if the PDF 
> > uses fonts or graphics to depict the music.
> If you own the full version of Acrobat, you can use it to convert a .pdf 
> file to various types of image formats (f.e. jpg, tiff, etc.).

I don't own the full version of Acrobat (and have no interest in 
owning it), but I own a PDF editing program (PDFEdit), and it can 
make TIFFs from PDFs (or PNGs or JPGs or any number of formats). And, 
of course, I couldn't have used Smartscore Lite to import a PDF if I 
had no method for converting a PDF to graphics. I actually explained 
all of that in my original question.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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