Sadly, you are in quite a bit there. MakeMusic making Notepad a $$
program was a fatal error in my opinion. They should have left it as a
free product.

But getting a pirated version of a program for a class? That is a good
way to get sued and potentially get fired. Seriously? Recommending to
pirate a software program because you can't pony up $10 for the
downloadable version?

Free was good, but $10 isn't totally unreasonable for what it
does........and they do offer a 30 day full featured

On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 2:51 PM, Kurt Gnos <> wrote:
> I just found out. I set up a canon composition work, made a finale notepad
> 2008 crash course, and asked the class to deliver it as a (free!) Finale
> notepad file.
> Now I'm getting a lot of mails - shall/must I buy? bla bla...
> I really liked finale notepad as a free program, whatever limited, for my
> students...
> If Sibelius makes a free version, it's another reason for me to switch...
> BTW, Students can get a cracked version of Finale, too, so this is no great
> argument. I don't recommend this, but now, with notepad no more free, I just
> might...
> Anybody from Make Music or Coda listening?
> Kurt
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