dhbailey wrote:
John Howell wrote:
At 12:44 AM +0100 2/11/09, Barbara Touburg wrote:
dhbailey wrote:

At least that's what's happened with other programs I've used which allow the user to turn off the splash screen -- I just look at the desktop for longer before the program actually starts.

I usually look at my monitor! :)

(Don't like Window$ that much)

If I remember correctly, the "desktop" concept or analogy (which is clearly what David meant) was original with Apple, and was stolen by Microsoft, which unaccountably won the subsequent lawsuit. So by the time Windoze came along that was all ancient history.


Actually it was original at the Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) and Apple stole it from them and then Microsoft stole it from Apple, which brings up the age-old morality question -- can someone steal from a thief? :-)

Actually Apple had permission to use the ideas. Jobs had spent time with the people tat Xerox PARC and worked out an agreement. Gates then saw what Jobs was up to ant stole the concept.

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