On 2/13/2009 11:57 AM, Dean M. Estabrook wrote:
I just made a recording of a choir rehearsal last night with my H2
digital.  I recorded in the MP3 mode. It is possible to edit said
files (other than just splitting a file on the H2) once they are
uploaded to my Mac?

I believe that most audio editing programs are able to open MP3s. Take a look, for example, at the open source Audacity: http://audacity.sourceforge.net

However, keep in mind that MP3s are like JPG images -- they use lossy compression, meaning every time you edit and save, you introduce some artifacts (which may or may not be audible/visible). This is why it's always better to record and edit in a non-lossy format like WAV or AIFF, and then convert to MP3 if needed when you're sending the finished product to someone else.

What you might want to do is open this MP3 in Audacity and save it as a WAV. Then you can edit, save, edit, save, etc. as much as you like with the WAV without further degradation of the original MP3. And then again, only convert your finished WAV to MP3 when you're done, if needed.

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