That's how I've always done it - custom stem tool and apply an empty stem -
and to remove it you simply use Clear Selected Items: Stem and Beam
Alterations. Maybe that would work however you created them. It's now in the
Edit Menu (it used to be in the Mass Mover).


On 3/20/09 7:02 AM, "Noel Stoutenburg" <> wrote:

> Haroldo Mauro Jr. wrote:
>> In some [files] I removed the stems on quarter and half notes, leaving only
>> the note heads. I opened one of these files yesterday to save as something
>> else and tried to put the stems back, but could not. I don't remember how I
>> removed them.
> You don't say what version of Finale you first created the file in, so
> terminology may vary. I suspect that you removed the stems by using an
> option accessed in some versions as "document options > Music options".
> This dialog box has three labeled input boxes where you can set the
> "stem length", "shortened stem length", and "half stem length". Setting
> all three to "0" [zero] is the quickest way to get stemless notes
> globally. The next option that comes to my mind is that you used the
> custom stem tool. (the special tool that looks like a snowflake). The
> recommended way to achieve a few stemless notes (at least when I learned
> how to do it) was to use the custom stem tool, and apply an empty stem.
> ns
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