On 4/5/2009 6:23 AM, Lawrence David Eden wrote:
that I created while using 2K4c.  Does this change anything with
regard to making parts with instrument labels the default behavior
now that I am using 2K7?

Yes. As I indicated, instrument labels will only be generated in extracted (or linked) parts if the text box with "Part/Score Name" is present in your score. If you want this label always to be present in new scores you create, you need to edit your default file and put the text box in. Otherwise, you will need to add the text box in each new score you make.

Christopher indicated that the part generation process remains the same, which is true. But the part labels will not be there unless the text box is there first, either because the current document comes from a template that has the text box, or because you added the text box to the document yourself.

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