At 21:44 30.06.2009 -0400, John Howell wrote:
Does anyone have any background on a number of notation programs which are virtually unknown in the U.S. but seem to have dedicated followers elsewhere, sometimes quite nationally based?

Capella is fairly popular in Germany. The earliest versions cost around 30 DM (ca. $15) and had quite decent looking output. The most recent "professional" version costs 158 Euro, but it looks as though you have to buy additional modules in order to be able to scan, convert to Finale and Sibelius, etc. They have a package deal that seems more or less on a par with Finale and Sibelius in terms of functionality for 398 Euros, which is still a couple hundred Euros less than Finale. A file reader can be downloaded for free.

And does anyone actually understand why both Finale and Sibelius seem to be rather more expensive outside the U.S., which I understand is the case, but again, that may be old news? Is there an actual reason involving taxes or duties or something, or is it just a matter of marketing and charging what the traffic will bear?

Probably marketing and charging what the traffic will bear, plus the costs of having the whole program, including the handbook, translated.

Howard Weiner

Howard Weiner

Tosca jumped to a conclusion.
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