Yes. However, if you have either of these:
- hairpins

this depends on the nature of your score. you can selectively hide in SC and PTs if there are only a few problematic places. hairpins are not the "general" problem johannes suggests.

- cues

i have posted a couple of times before a way to use staff styles to get around this problem in linked parts. normally i would look it up and re-post but it's late and i'm drunk. check the archives.

there are serious inadequacies in finale's linked parts but they won't affect every user.

and i repeat, and will continue to repeat as needed: many misunderstandings when encountering linked parts for the first time can be (re)solved by reading and re-reading the manual chapter on linked parts, in particular pp. 37-5 and 37-7 (F 2007), as i recall, which were until very recently tacked up on the corkboard next to my workspace and only removed because of a sublet...

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