On 7/3/2009 11:32 AM, Christopher Smith wrote:
There IS new material to learn. Extracted parts have to go through
the same new part creation process that linked parts do. If you use
the Setup Wizard, most of the work is done for you, but if you open a
pre-2007 file in 2007 or later, you have to create the parts, then
extract them. It's not hard, you just have to read the manual.

Just to clarify, the process is actually very simple. If you open a pre-2007 file and go to Extract Parts, you'll see that there are no parts listed. All you have to do, in most cases, is press the button that says "Generate Parts". Then your parts magically appear in the dialog, and you can extract them.

In some cases, you'll have to go into the Manage Parts dialog and make some changes before extracting.

The reason for all of this is from Fin2007 on, an extracted part is nothing more and nothing less than a saved copy of a linked part. So in order to extract parts, Finale first creates the linked parts (if you haven't already) and then saves each one to its own file. If you have no interest in the conveniences of linked parts, you don't need to actually work with them at all. You can pretend they're not even there and just work with the extracted copies.

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