Dean M. Estabrook wrote:
FWIW, I've long been a proponent of (as an American composer) using directions in English as much as possible. If it's been good enough for the Italians, French, and Germans ... why not us? Let them come to us for a change ... eh, it's just the curmudgeon bubbling to the surface ... I turned 69 this year ..

You're certainly not the first composer to feel that way.

I guess it matters more if you're trying to sell your music and are hoping to find an international audience.

Those who have written in French and German terms were composers of international standing and the music was compelling enough that people figured out what the non-Italian terms meant and bought the music despite their nationalistic use of terms. The use of Italian terms goes way back to when many composers traveled to Italy for their musical education and were polyglots themselves, being able to speak Italian fluently in addition to their native tongues, so Italian became the "lingua franca" of the musical world.

And since most of the world seems intent on learning English, perhaps more and more they'll understand your terms, should your music be compelling enough to attract their attention.

In any event, if your music is only performed by people in the U.S. you don't have to worry. Or do you? Hmm. . . Let's see, now. If you were to see a phrase in a piece of music which said "Wicked Fast" how would you interpret it? I can see some poor non-English speaking person, or even an English-speaker who didn't understand the colloquial use of the word "wicked" to replace "extremely" looking it up in the dictionary and deciding that the music should be performed so as to sound "evil, sinister" or whatever definitions the dictionaries give for "wicked." Whereas most people in northern N.E. at any rate would understand that it just means "very fast."

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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