You men "sense," surely.


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 21 Oct 2009, at 2:13 AM, John Roberts wrote:

That sounds a bit too close to Socialism, David!


On 10/20/09 7:34 PM, "David W. Fenton" <> wrote:

I'm reminded of the recent exchange in a health care hearing on
Capitol Hill in DC where a male Congressman observed that he didn't
need pre-natal care in his health insurance, so he was paying for
something he couldn't use. A female Congressman pointed out that his
mother probably needed it, but the point that I'm trying to make in
relation to Finale is that things that don't matter to you personally
may matter to enough other Finale users to keep them committed to
buying upgrades. That's good for everyone in the long run, even if
it's completely useless to you, personally.

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