There is a laptop configuration available out of the box. And if you don't
   like it, you can make any personal changes you like.

   Slurs and ties came in for lots of work in Sibelius 6 and are now greatly
   improved. Beams, slurs, ties and many other things can be changed globally
   via the "House Style" menu and then saved to be used in other scores. Lots
   of precise controls are available in "House Styles". It should be the first
   stop  for  a  serious  worker. Local changes are also possible via the
   properties panel.

   I think you'll find Sibelius very flexible but quite different form Finale.

   Richard Smith

   > And is there an easy way to switch between keyboard layouts?
   > Is there a sensible way to reprogramme the keys?
   > I actually still think it is a short coming of Sibelius not to provide a
   > laptop layout out of the box.
   > Johannes
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