At 12:15 -0400 30/10/09, John Howell wrote:
>At 9:06 AM -0200 10/30/09, Haroldo Mauro Jr. wrote:
>>At 19:59 -0400 29/10/09, John Howell wrote:
>> >At 7:45 PM -0200 10/29/09, Haroldo Mauro Jr. wrote:
>> >Up or down arrows, with one's hand already over the number keypad. Perhaps 
>> >not as fast, but not too slow.  Correcting wrong accidentals might take 
>> >more mousing and keystrokes.  But entering notes with an external keyboard 
>> >(left hand only, if your right is on the number pad) is by far the quickest 
>> >of the possible note entry possibilities in Sibelius as well.  I'm not a 
>> >keyboardist, so I've never attempted real-time keyboard note entry.
>>I didn't mean real-time note entry. That would have to be done in 
>>Hiperscribe, correct?
>I'm afraid I don't know what Hyperscribe is, and it isn't in the Sib6 
>Reference Manual under either spelling.

Sorry. It's  the tool for real-time entry in Finale. It records your playing 
and produces the part afetr you finish.
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