it's finally time to put the mac mini to rest. wondering of anyone has any comments about these configs. i'm trying to figure out what is my best option for price, power, portability and functionailty.

working with F2010 these days and the only other hogs i run are photoshop (from time to time) and dreamweaver (well, not really that heavy an app). i.e. i don't usually do any real heavy graphic work. and i'm moving around quite a bit in recent years, although usually for extended periods, so i bring monitor with me.

base models and price of upgrading to 4G / 500 GB HD / applecare (end of message is same in more detail):

macbook 13.3"      2.26 GHz        1375 EUR
macb pro 13.3"     2.26    1670
macb pro 13.3"     2.53    1785
macb pro 15.4"     2.53    2085

i'm considering the 3rd option, since i have a very new 24" viewsonic so am thinking the 13" might be sufficient for portable / on the road work. i imagine for all "real" work i will work at home, but i have never owned a laptop so am unsure how my working habits might change. 1st is not worth considering unless they put a firewire port in it.

a few suggestions from friends have been: buy memory somewhere other than apple to save a few bucks; don't buy through apple store to save even more bucks; if you can afford the 15" the improvement in visuals is important (but 500g heavier and larger to transport).

BASE MODEL      macbook pro     pro     pro
screen (in)     13.3    13.3    13.3    15.4
speed (GHz)     2.26    2.26    2.53    2.53
RAM (GB)        2       2       4       4
HDsize  (GB)    250     160     250     250

4 GB RAM        90      90      0       0
500 GB HD       135     180     135     135
applecare add   250     250     250     350
extra costs     475     520     385     485

base rate EUR   900     1150    1400    1600
total incl. extras      1375    1670    1785    2085

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