Dear jef,

Once the score is set up according to Finale's linked parts conventions (no trouble for me, once I learned the new behavior), the creation of linked group parts works seamlessly and automatically. I don't see a need to identify a staff in the staff attributes dialog, as long as I can see the group name (Piano, Harp, etc.) when working in the score. The new system actually removes the small steps of requiring names for those individual staves.

Now, if someone could tell me why group staves are spaced a different vertical distance apart in the part (in my case - always closer than what I have in the score), that would save me a small step of having to adjust that in the part. I bet there is a place to control that that I have missed.


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On Feb 14, 2010, at 9:40 PM, SN jef chippewa < > wrote:

yeah that seems to be it.  ok, that is really stupid.

i always name all staves and set the staff name to not show in the SC to avoid the problem of not knowing whether staff 15 and staff 16 are harp or piano RH and LH when working on multiple staff definitions in the staff dialogue. is there any convincing reason for this behaviour?

the work required to remove the anme, generate staff group parts and revert the names is prob the same as adding the staff groups in the parts.

don't know if this is part of the problem or not, but you must have no staff names assigned to the staves in the group. Finale assumes that unnamed staves are part of a group - like a piano part. I hope this is of some help.

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