I am an amateur choral composer, mostly writing pieces for our local 
congregation and choir, and some have been very well received. I am quite 
satisfied to remain just a local composer, but I have received several requests 
to publish a recent choral work of mine. A local choir director friend of mine 
(both high school and church music, and well-known in the local ACDA) who is 
well-respected in the community has encouraged me to publish. He has given me 
the name of several publishers, as well as allowed me to use his name as a 

I actually have a short hymn already published in a "worship and praise" 
songbook, but I do not consider myself a praise song composer. I am far more 
interested in writing choral music and more mainstream hymns. (I come from the 
Lutheran tradition.) The publication (in a different denomination's 
publication) was more a happy accident of circumstances.

I have no illusions about this being a source of income or fame (hah!). I have 
a "day job" that pays well enough.

What I am looking for advice on is what sort of things should I include in the 
submission, other than the obvious copy of the music? Are there any things I 
need to watch out for when dealing with publishers?

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